Saturday 6 September 2014

Thursday 21 August 2014


I voluntarily serve as an event organizer for this show which aims at tackling social issues facing the youth

 This is a Gospel Concert which I played a vital role in making it a success. It featured various Gospel artists such as Ngqobile Ngidi

Ivory Park informal settlement set to be “realigned”

Ivory Park informal settlement set to be “realigned”

“As these people are scattered or congested, we are realigning them in such á way that they settle nicely so that they can get basic services,” said Ivory Park Councilor, Big-Joe Mahlanga.

Mahlanga pointed out some challenges encountered during this process ranging from illegal immigrants without renewed passport, there are those who arrived here without á shred of á paper and coupled with that, some South African citizens came here lately and assumed á peace of land, as á result these are people are cannot be recognized.

Red Ants doing it again…but this time, assisting with realigning and rebuilding shacks.

One red ant worker, Bongani Nhlapho (28), said: “Our role here is to realign crammed shacks and remove those who are not settled legally.”

However, some dwellers are dissatisfied with this process saying their shacks are being
demolished without proper verification of documents of the owner. In some instance, if found that there is nobody inside the shack they resort to smashing it.

Philadi Masha (26) is fuming after her shack was demolished when she was at work.

“When I asked the officials from the Department of Housing that my house was shattered down while I was at work, they just told me that they are still busy. I don’t understand why they did this and I don’t know where I am going to sleep because I do have documents stipulating that I am residing legally here.”

Police were beefed up to monitor the process.

This follows an outrage by the residents over the realignment process. The community member did not understand what realignment entailed and aimed at.

“On the 7th of July when our officials came to start with the realignment process, they were turned away by á group of people who were violent, blocking the roads, threatening that someone will die,” said Mahlanga.

“We should have been through with this process months ago. So, what we had has been that resistance whereby each and every meeting especially with our public meetings, I’ll have to constantly explain. People will engage me even privately to say: No! we don’t want this realignment of yours. We are told that you going to group us one by one. So I kept saying its not going to be like that.”

The realignment process continues and is set to expand to other neighboring informal settlements around Ivory Park

Almost 23 years living in an informal settlement, shack dwellers in Moses Kotana section, Ivory Park, outskirt of Midrand embarked on a realignment process yesterday.
“As these people are scattered or congested, we are realigning them in such á way that they settle nicely so that they can get basic services,” said Ivory Park Councilor, Big-Joe Mahlanga.

Mahlanga pointed out some challenges encountered during this process ranging from illegal immigrants without renewed passport, there are those who arrived here without á shred of á paper and coupled with that, some South African citizens came here lately and assumed á peace of land, as á result these are people are cannot be recognized.

Red Ants doing it again…but this time, assisting with realigning and rebuilding shacks.

One red ant worker, Bongani Nhlapho (28), said: “Our role here is to realign crammed shacks and remove those who are not settled legally.”

However, some dwellers are dissatisfied with this process saying their shacks are being
demolished without proper verification of documents of the owner. In some instance, if found that there is nobody inside the shack they resort to smashing it.

Philadi Masha (26) is fuming after her shack was demolished when she was at work.

“When I asked the officials from the Department of Housing that my house was shattered down while I was at work, they just told me that they are still busy. I don’t understand why they did this and I don’t know where I am going to sleep because I do have documents stipulating that I am residing legally here.”

Police were beefed up to monitor the process.

This follows an outrage by the residents over the realignment process. The community member did not understand what realignment entailed and aimed at.

“On the 7th of July when our officials came to start with the realignment process, they were turned away by á group of people who were violent, blocking the roads, threatening that someone will die,” said Mahlanga.

“We should have been through with this process months ago. So, what we had has been that resistance whereby each and every meeting especially with our public meetings, I’ll have to constantly explain. People will engage me even privately to say: No! we don’t want this realignment of yours. We are told that you going to group us one by one. So I kept saying its not going to be like that.”

The realignment process continues and is set to expand to other neighboring informal settlements around Ivory Park

Thursday 11 July 2013

A 11 year old raped, stabbed and strangled


SOWETO police are investigating a case of rape, attempted murder and housebreaking after a 11-year-old-old girl was attacked in her home.

Her attacker allegedly strangled her with her mother’s bra, raped her and then stabbed her multiple times before fleeing from the scene.

The girl’s four-year-old sibling witnessed the gruesome attack just after 6am yesterday.

Their parents’ had just left their home for work.

Minutes after the ordeal, the girl dressed in a t-shirt and covered in a throw blanket, slowly walked to the neighbour’s home where she sought help.

She could barely talk and bleeding profusely which prompted the neighbours into action – they immediately called the police while others tried to stop her bleeding.
It is alleged the attacker gained entry by kicking open the door of their Braafishersville’s RDP house and demanded money from the victim and her younger brother.

The intruder allegedly waited for victims’ father to leave for work before pouncing on his children. The girl’s mother leaves home around 4.30am to catch a train to Kempton Park, Ekurhuleni for work. She is then followed by the father an hour later, leaving the two together before their elder brother,19, comes home to monitor them. The brother lives with his grandmother in Dobsonville.

Just after arriving for work, children’s mother was called by neighbours alerting her of the incident she referred to as “heartbreaking”.
The mother, who cannot be named to protect the identity of her children, meet with her

sister in Joburg CBD, who drove her to hospital to see her daughter.
Yesterday after 4pm she confirmed that her daughter was in a critical condition and was being admitted. At the time, she said her daughter was receiving stitches.
Still shocked by the incident, the mother said she wished to know why her daughter was stabbed by the intruder.

“Why didn’t he take things he wanted and left my child alone. She is harmless and younger,” said the mother, adding that she was grateful that her daughter was able to go and seek help.

“Had she not rushed to our neighbour, maybe we could be talking a different story. Maybe she would have died from the bleeding,” she said.
Speaking at the scene, where his home was surround by forensic police collecting evidence, the 19-year-old brother observed his from his neighbour’s yard.
He felt that, had he lived with his parents and siblings, this could have been prevented.
“I’m sadden by this. No one wished to see their younger sister go through such pain. I’d kill the man who did this to my sister if I knew him,” he said, speaking softly.
The four-year-old was kept at his neigbour’s home while police cordoned off his home.

Curious and devastated neighbours stared as police continued working on their investigation by midday.

A neigbhour, Lerato Mokoena(crt) said she was concern about crime rate in the area. She said their community patrol forum had stopped patrolling in the area for various reasons. She said it was time the CPF in Bramfischerville reinforce the patrolling system.

“Our children are not safe in this place. This child didn’t deserve to be harmed in this manner. why didn’t this man(the attacker) take whatever he wanted and left them in peace? We are hurt as parents and as community member”, said Mokoena.
Police are investigating a case of rape, attempted murder and house robbery. 

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Journalism Project

 1st blog                                     
This collection is a must have with a taste for news served up with a spoon of ironic humour.
The double disc features a selection of the best episodes from two and three of Late News With Loyiso Gola. Each week the team looks at events in the news and puts a funny spin into it. Gola plays the news anchor who is continuously perplexed by the deceptions of politicians and use logic to dissect some of their blunders.   
A popular segment of the show features ventriloquist, Conrad Koch and his puppet, Chester Missing. Other comedians who make appearances on the show are Mojack Lehoko and Toll Ass Mo. The only grip with the production is that the shows have been reduced to short segments and there is a pause in between each segment, disrupting the flow.
Riaad Moosa plays the resident doctor, presiding society`s ills with much with much hilarity. The success of the series lies in the ability of comedians to turn a seemingly normal news event on its head with some well-crafted jokes. The production values are high, which enhances the viewing experience.
Loyiso was born in Uitenhage, Easten Cape, South Africa. He started singing at a very early age. He studied in Drakensburg Boys where he was taught music.
Word count: 250
Click the below links to watch:

Pictures: click

2nd blog

The Fashion suicide…
Should parents be blamed for the latest craze in Mzansi - Izikhothani? 


I know that parents love their kids so much; they make sacrifices and work hard to make sure they are happy, but at the end of the day, they are the ones who burst in tears as result of the loss of their kids.  
The emerged culture in Mzansi predominantly known as Izikhothani `the lickers` is characterised by: young people dressing in fancy outfits and expensive shoes. They brag about their latest designer gear such as Arbiter, Carvela and Nike, and they also show-off with pricy alcohol brands such as Red Label. Worse of it, they often buy a barrel of KFC, altramel and so on, guess what – they just kick it on the streets.

This kind of lifestyle has consequently resulted in a number of suicides. One of Izikhothani in Kathlehong, Eastrand, was reported ‘in 3rd Degree’ to have committed suicide because he felt he did not dress pricy to compete with his counterparts. This young boy was given lot money by his grandmother. The boy`s grandmother was saddened by the loss of her grandson as they loved him and gave off all the money she had to make her grandson happy.  
As young as they are, I prompt a question of where do they get this money? The answer would be – from their parents and guardians. I also question the upbringing of these kids by their parents. I acknowledge that some parents can afford to buy their kids expensive clothes, but why not buy three pairs of shoes and jeans with R2500 instead of one pair of Arbiter shoe costing R2500.
Give the show off fashion style, burning of clothes, spendthrift and suicide by these young kids; it is clear that the blame rests with parents.
Word count: 305
Interactive links:
Izikhothani on 3rd degree; Part 2:
Izikhothani burning clothes:

Related article Izikhothani: the` lickers`:

3rd blog
Keep watch on your frenemies...

The word frenemies is an amalgamation of the words friend and enemy. It refers to a person you are friends with but who may not have your best interests at heart, unlike a true friend.
Frenemies are found everywhere: in Universities, Colleges, neighbourhood and workplace. Now, one needs to be extra careful with their acquaintances because you might be dealing with frenemies. Chances are likely that you may face problems at work or University because of them. For some reasons they might resent you.
You cannot avoid working or interacting with frenemies, because it is impossible to work together on the same environment with nought interaction. For instance, in workplaces, you cannot avoid working with them because your professionalism will be questioned regarding the fact that you are unable to handle personal differences and work with others like a mature individual. One must learn how to skilfully deal with frenemies.
Three tips to deal with your frenemies: The first tip is, keep your personal life under wraps: when conversing, do not reveal much about your personal life. You will never know when it might be used against you. So, keep your conversation general, fun and light-hearted for instance you could pick topics that include music, sports and wheather etc.
The second tips is, maintain a certain distance. One should be careful about how frenemies act. They can act like your best friend. So, do not get overly friendly with your frenemy behaviour. The last tip is, do not introduce them to your true friends. It is a bad idea to introduce one`s frenemies to one`s true friends. The last thing you want is your frenemies’ presence to affect your friendship.
The above mentioned tips serve a tool to deal with frenemies. So, apply them and always keep watch of your associates. 
Word count: 304

4th blog
Saying sorry can mend a relationship
I am sorry…
Apologising is not always easy, but it brings its own rewards. It does not undo the wrongdoing; but an apology acknowledges the mistake and takes responsibility for it.
The response to an apology from the heart is, very often, warmth, understanding and forgiveness. The responses constitute acceptance of the apology. With such acceptance restoration is achieved. In other words, warmth, understanding and forgiveness result. Even if the apology is not accepted, the apologiser has done his or her part to make restoration possible.
Restoration is powerful because it takes us beyond where we were before the wrongdoing. Both parties are stronger, more assured, more at peace and even more fully human than before. When an apology is give, it should not be conditional on the other hand accepted it.
Many apologies are not accepted. And apology should come from your heart whether or not the other chooses to forgive. If your apology is conditional on it being accepted, then it means you don`t really mean it, and you are basing your restoration, your okayness, on the other`s forgiveness of you.  
Say you are sorry when your behaviour contrives your own principles and values – then your apology can come from your heart. If someone is upset as a result of your behaviour, but your behaviour was consistence with your principles and values, you have no reason to be sorry.  When you contravene your principles and values, express your sorry, unconditionally, from your heart, irrespective of whether it will be accepted. 
Saying sorry provides an opportunity to take responsibility for your actions and not for other`s emotions. Whether or not it is accepted, saying sorry allows you to let go of the wrong doing and move forward. Sorry is a wonderful gift that demands nothing in returned. 
Word count: 307
Interactive links: